Monday, September 30, 2013

Antigone compare and contrast essay

In Antigone by Sophocles , king Creon doesn't want polynices to be burried but his sister Antigone doesn't listen . Antigone gets caught and Creon wants to bury her alive. Creon changes his mind but its to late Antigone hanged herself. Antigone and Creon have some differences and similar . They are both different because Antigone is more loyal to her family . Antigone says " I will bury the brother i love " on page. 774 meaning she has lover for her brother and nothing is going to stop her from burying him. Creon isn't as loyal to family because he says "I never knew that these two sisters were aiming at my throne" . Creon doesn't trust his family , therefore he isn't as loyal . Antigone is loyal to state because she says " That final justice that rules the world below makes no such laws " . Antigone is saying that the state isn't as cruel . Creon is loyal to the state because he says on page 820 " You will give no support to whoever breaks this law ". Creon will not support people who disobey the state. Antigone and Creon have a lot in common ;for example, they are both willing to put their lifes At risk and are cocky.Creon is willing to put his life at risk because on page.820 .he says " and death it is"Creon would rather put his life at risk when he agrees to death.Antigone. is willing to put her life at risk when she says " But I will bury him ; and if I must die I say this crime is holy" on page 816. I think that they both deserve the blame for the tragic outcome. Antigone should of said yes to Creon when he wanted to help her but she was to stubborn. Creon should of standed up for himself and listen to other instead of being so stubborn and wanting everything his way .

Thursday, September 26, 2013

vocab #6

1. invetable : going to happen no matter what
The weather was so bad I decided to stay home and that was invetable.

2. phobia: A strong fear
My phobia is being trapped in tight spaces .

3. seclude : hide away from others
When I barely got my new puppy he would seclude himself from me by hiding under my bed.

4. Rebuke : To criticize publically
My mom rebuked my brother for comming home late and lying to her.

5. Notorious : Famous for something bad
Giovanna Plowman was notorious , then regreted it after millions of people watched her video.

6. Fluctuate: To change often
My mood is always fluctuating , it just depends on the situation.

7. Candid : Honest/ sincere
During court,my uncle was candid about what happened to the missing puzzle piece.

8. Sophomoric : immature
Im very sophomoric when im around my little cousins because they like to mess around alot.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

vocab sentences #6

1. Plaintive : very sad
Plankton was plaintive when he didn't get the secret formula .

2. Flaunt : To show off something
My cousin likes to flaunt about her grades .

3. Distraught : Emotionally upset
I was distraught when my friend moved away .

4. Queve : A line of people or things
I had to stand in the queve for two-hours just for my food .

5. Accrue : To gain over time
My grades had to accrue in order to graduate .

6. Relentless : Never stopping
I think that time is relentless .

7. Leery : Untrusting
I was leery about telling my friend a secret.

8. Crass : rude / vulgar / bad manners
The show tosh.o is very crass , yet I still watch it .